ANN ARBOR, MI (May 24, 2019) — The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers approved a final plan to keep Asian carp out of the Great Lakes by rebuilding the Brandon Road Lock and Dam south of Chicago. Lt. Gen. Todd Semonite, commanding general of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, signed the final chief’s report, which will now be delivered to Congress, which must approve and fund the plan before it can begin.
The plan will improve defenses at the Brandon Road Lock and Dam to keep Asian carp out of the Great Lakes. The Brandon Road Lock and Dam, near Joliet, Ill., and below the Chicago Area Waterway System, is a chokepoint in the waterway system; the construction of new technology at the dam can help stop the advance of invasive Asian carp and reduce the risk of the fish entering Lake Michigan. The plan proposes a gauntlet of technologies including an electric barrier, a bubble barrier, acoustic deterrent, and a flushing lock to reduce the risk that Asian carp get through while still allowing navigation through the lock.
In response, the National Wildlife Federation issued this statement:
“The release of the Brandon Road plan to Congress is a significant milestone in efforts to help keep Asian carp out of our Great Lakes,” said Marc Smith, National Wildlife Federation director of conservation partnerships. “This plan to build a gauntlet of defenses is the best option on the table to prevent Asian carp from devastating the Great Lakes. After many years of study and delay, Congress now must move swiftly and authorize and fund this plan to protect the people, economy and wildlife of the Great Lakes.”
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