Restore Wildlife Habitat

Protect and Restore Wildlife Habitat

The health and abundance of wildlife species requires good habitat. Without habitat, fish and wildlife species will decline. The GLCC strongly advocates for protecting and restoring wildlife habitat in order to help sustain our economy and way of life. The Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) is the marquee federal restoration program that accelerates efforts to protect and restore the largest system of fresh surface water in the world – the Great Lakes. In addition, our Coalition strongly supports the Farm Bill. This is the largest federal legislation for conservation that Congress writes, that has the largest benefit for wetlands and waterfowl conservation. And the North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA) conserves North America’s waterfowl, fish and wildlife resources while producing a variety of environmental and economic benefits. This is a non-regulatory, incentive-based, voluntary wildlife conservation program. NAWCA stimulates public-private partnerships to protect, restore, and manage wetland habitats for a diversity of migratory birds and other wildlife. The Great Lakes states have collectively received over $145.9 million from this program to conserve 696,459 acres to-date.


  • The Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) is producing results for people and communities across the region. Increase GLRI funding to $475 million per year;
  • Work with members of Congress to secure robust annual appropriations levels for NAWCA. The program has received steady year-over-year increases from the last several Congresses and so the GLCC wishes to see this trend continue.
  • Support solutions to the crisis facing our native grasslands by passing a new North American Grasslands Conservation Act. This would invest in conserving and restoring our native grasslands for ranchers, wildlife, and future generations; and
  • Support the Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) program through FEMA’s hazard mitigation budget.

Restoring Wildlife Habitat Resources

Learn more about federal wildlife habitat restoration programs in the Great Lakes region through these excellent resources from our partner organizations:

Latest News On Wildlife Habitat