Public Land and Water Access

Improve Access and Opportunities for Outdoor Recreation

Improving access to hunt, fish, kayak and hike is a major priority of each organization in the GLCC. Protecting public lands and the right to recreate on those lands is imperative and will help protect our hunting and fishing heritage and help advance Recruitment, Retention and Reactivation (R3) efforts. Public land in the Great Lakes region provides those opportunities and programs like the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) provide both public land, wildlife habitat, public water access, and outdoor recreation opportunities. In 2020, Congress passed the Great American Outdoors Act that will help improve fish and wildlife habitat, and fund support of outdoor recreation and access on National Parks and public lands across the Great Lakes and country. Despite this historic achievement, wildlife, their associated habitats, and our hunting and fishing heritage remain at risk. The increased threat of privatization of public land, wildlife disease, and habitat destruction continue to threaten our region’s fish and wildlife.


  • Prioritize Great American Outdoors Act projects;
  • Support the America The Beautiful 30 x 30 initiative that will conserve 30 percent of the country’s land and 30 percent of its coastal waters by 2030. This will create more wildlife habitat, and increase hunting and fishing opportunities for all Americans.

Public Land and Water Access Resources

Learn more about initiatives to improve public access for outdoor recreation in the Great Lakes region through these excellent resources from our partner organizations:

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