Conservation groups from across the Great Lakes region have come together to focus on the issues of critical importance to the future of our shared natural resources. The Great Lakes Conservation Coalition (GLCC) is an informal coalition of conservation groups working in the Great Lakes region and collectively representing millions of hunters, anglers and outdoor enthusiasts. Working together, we help advance solutions to the conservation challenges threatening our fish, wildlife, and outdoor heritage.

Great Lakes Conservation Coalition Priorities
The Great Lakes Conservation Coalition has identified the following priority areas:
Protect and Restore Wildlife Habitat
The health and abundance of wildlife species requires good habitat. Without habitat, fish and wildlife species will decline. The GLCC strongly advocates for protecting and restoring wildlife habitat in order to help sustain our economy and way of life.
Stop the Spread of Invasive Species
Aquatic invasive species undermine the ecological and economic vibrancy of the Great Lakes and other inland waters across the region. They are a persistent and unique problem across the country costing the U.S billions of dollars annually. Specifically, invasive carp are a serious threats to the health of our Great Lakes and inland waters.
Improve Access and Opportunities for Outdoor Recreation
Improving access to hunt, fish, kayak and hike is a major priority of each organization in the GLCC. Protecting public lands and the right to recreate on those lands is imperative and will help protect our hunting and fishing heritage and help advance Recruitment, Retention and Reactivation (R3) efforts.
Recruit New Hunters, Anglers and Outdoor Enthusiasts
Every year across the Great Lakes and the nation, the average number of hunters and anglers declines. While the COVID-19 pandemic has contributed to an increase in outdoor recreation participation, efforts must be undertaken to recruit new hunters and anglers to our current ranks and to retain the ones we currently have. Building a more diverse hunter angler population and better reflection of the demographics of our region are critical to the future of our outdoor heritage.
Increase Funding for Fish and Wildlife
America is in the midst of an unprecedented wildlife crisis. Once abundant populations of fish and wildlife are now facing steep declines because of habitat loss, disease, and other threats. State and tribal wildlife agencies have limited funding to go towards the conservation and monitoring of at-risk species. The Recovering America’s Wildlife Act would provide state and tribal wildlife agencies additional funding to implement state wildlife action plans to recover these species.
Protect Our Hunting and Fishing Heritage from Climate Change
The Great Lakes have a rich history of hunting and fishing that helps provide a robust outdoor recreational economy for our region. Maintaining this economic driver and our outdoor heritage depends on healthy and sustainable populations of fish and wildlife both now and into the future. Changes in climate threaten to disrupt generations of fish and wildlife and their habitats.